Quizlet Med Term Condition to Restore Again


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Medical Term Chapter

Chapter 9

Question Answer
Bence Jones An abnormal protein, called the (bare) protein, is found nearly exclusively in the urine of individuals with multiple myeloma.
leukemia is an excessive uncontrolled increase of young WBCs in the blood eventually leading to infection, anemia, and thrombocytopenia.
hymolytic anemia is characterized by the farthermost reduction in circulating RBCs due to excessive hemolysis.
iron deficiency anemia is the condition in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood due to a lack of iron in the trunk.
Allowed Thrombocytopenic Purpura is a disorder in which antibodies are made by the individual that destroys his or her own platelets.
a cancerous plasma prison cell tumour, causes an increase in the number of both mature and immature plasma cells, which often entirely supervene upon the os marrow and destroy the skeletal structure.
hemochromatosis southward a rare iron metabolism disease characterized past iron deposits throughout the body, usually equally a complication of hemolytic anemia.
granulocytosis is an abnormally elevated number of granulocytes in the circulating blood every bit a reaction to any variety of inflammation or infection.
Hemophilia A A deficiency or absence of antihemophilic cistron VIII causes , the virtually common blazon of this hereditary coagulopathy.
anemia describes a status in which at that place is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood to levels below the normal range, resulting in a deficiency of oxygen beingness delivered to the cells.
sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease resulting in the formation of multiple granulomas in the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes, liver, and other organs.
systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory connective tissue affliction in which immune complexes are deposited in the connective tissues of lymphatic vessels, claret vessels, and other tissues.
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a test performed on the blood, which measures the rate at which ruby-red blood cells settle out in a tube of unclotted blood.
red blood cell morphology is an examination of the RBC on a stained blood smear that enables the examiner to identify the form and shape of the RBCs.
reticulocyte count is a measurement of the number of circulating immature erythrocytes in a claret specimen.
Prothrombin time s a blood test used to evaluate the common pathway and extrinsic organisation of jell formation.
reticulocyte Young RBC ordinarily seen in circulation
reticulocyte Immature RBC unremarkably seen in circulation
of young WBCs would increase her susceptibility to infections how leukemia could cause the mouth ulcers.
pernicious The blazon of anemia that results from a deficiency of mature crimson claret cells and the formation and circulation of megaloblasts with marked shape variation and red blood cell size variation, which is due to a lack of vitamin B12, is known as
lymphoma A lymphoid tissue neoplasm that is typically malignant, offset with a painless enlarged lymph node(s) and progressing to anemia, weakness, intermittent fever, and weight loss, is known as
t cells Cells important to the allowed response that mature in the thymus are known equally
lymphatic capillaries The smallest lymphatic vessels are chosen lymphatic
bleeding fourth dimension The measurement of the fourth dimension required for bleeding to stop is known as the
caused immunity Immunity that is a outcome of the body developing the ability to defend itself against a specific agent, as a result of having had the disease or from having received an immunization against a disease, is known as
platelets Thrombocytes are as well known every bit
Polycythemia Vera A condition in which at that place is an abnormal increase in the number of ruby blood cells, granulocytes, and thrombocytes—leading to an increase in blood volume and viscosity—is known every bit
a concatenation Streptococci are leaner that form what shape?
immune reaction An antigen-antibody reaction is as well known as
malignant tumor of connective tissue A sarcoma is divers as __________.
any disease process affecting lymph nodes _.Lymphadenopathy is
anaphylactic shock A severe and sometimes fatal hypersensitive (allergic) reaction to a previously encountered antigen is called
lymphangiogram is an Ten-ray assessment of the lymphatic system following injection of a contrast medium into the lymph vessels in the hand or foot.
multiple myeloma a malignant plasma cell neoplasm, causes an increase in the number of both mature and immature plasma cells, which oftentimes entirely supplant the os marrow and destroy the skeletal structure.


Source: https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-2147632

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